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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Revamped Blog

I just revamped the blog to give it some more color and pizazz. What do you think of the new design? Comments, suggestions?


  1. I like the bookshelf background, it adds color without being too distracting. My only suggestion is I'm not sure how much I like the yellowish color at the top. But thanks for taking the initiative and working on it!!

  2. It's very- bright! Not that that's a bad thing at all, just it's a bit of a change.
    Thanks for changing the posting schedule too. I think that will help us stay a lot more focused on commenting on everyone's posts.
    Our blog looks like an institution of knowledge! LOL

    As an admin, could you also go in and change the links to the other class blogs to look like group three's so that we can see which group number they are and their name? It's just that they're usually referenced by their numbers in class. I'd appreciate it.

  3. Thanks for the feedback. This was my second option for design. The first one I did used the same background as another blog (carpe diem), which I didn't realize until I had already done ours. So I just changed the background. If you guys are a fan of carpe diem's background, I can use that but with a different template, so it's still unique.

  4. I like it better than the yellow. I'm just trying to think of a color that might seem a little more professional...the blue, combined with the font seem a little elementary. But seriously thank you for working on this, this is the kind of involvement that will be beneficial!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Or there is this one.. I like it because it has an open book so we are "In" the knowledge

  7. All in all, it really doesn't matter. The possibilities for blog design are endless..

  8. haha so true. I'm liking this one for now, feel free to switch things up whenever
